Grapevine's First Baptist Church Podcast
The weekly message from Grapevine's First Baptist Church, a community of believers who follow the Bible as our authority and Jesus as our hope.
Grapevine's First Baptist Church Podcast
10.06.24 | You Asked For It | Panel Discussion w/Dr. Doug Page
Grapevine's First Baptist Church
2 Timothy 2:15-19
1. Why do we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday?
2. What are the Differences in Christian Denominations?
3. What are the spiritual gifts, and which gifts are still active today?
4. What can we say to women on the topic of Prolife?
5. What does forgiveness look like?
6. What is the Biblical role of women within the church?
7. What help can you give for overcoming addictions?
8. What insight could you give on Prayer?
2 Timothy 2:19
1. The Lord Knows You
2. The Lord still calls us to walk in line with Him.