Grapevine's First Baptist Church Podcast

09.08.24 | Has God Rejected Israel? | Doug Page

September 08, 2024 Grapevine's First Baptist Church

Has God Rejected Israel?

Romans 11:1 

Israel is an example of God’s steadfast faithfulness to His people.

God’s Covenant with Abraham:
Genesis 12:1-3 

The Covenant: Place – Nation – Name – People

Genesis 15:18-21
Psalm 105:7-11
Romans 9:4-5
Romans 11:1-2 

Has God Rejected Israel? It sure looks like it!

Could it be that…
God never chose the Jews?
The Jews rejected Jesus, so He rejected them?
The Church replaced Israel as God’s Chosen People? 

The Nature and Character of God guarantee the Promises of God.
Genesis 15:12-17 

God’s Covenant with Abraham is unilateral, non-negotiable, and eternal.

God’s Redemption Plan
1. Salvation of the Jews (Romans 11:1-10)
2. Salvation of the Gentiles (Romans 11:11-24) 


3. The Rapture of the Church (Romans 11:25)

 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8

 4. Salvation of the Nation Israel (Verses 26-29)

 Romans 11:29

5. The Completion of God’s Plan (Revelation 4-21)

6. The Mystery of God’s Mercy (Verses 30-36)

God is steadfast in His faithfulness to you and me! 

Isaiah 49:15
Romans 8:35-39