Grapevine's First Baptist Church Podcast

08.04.24 | How to Move Forward in your Faith | Drey Clark

August 04, 2024 Grapevine's First Baptist Church

How to Move forward in your faith: 

Step 1: Self Evaluation (1 Thess 4:1-2)

                Evaluation of Faith
                Evaluation of Motive

Step 2: Set Apart (1 Thess 4:3-8, Exodus 19:5-6, Leviticus 20:26)

                Set apart in the world

QUOTE: “men, in order to satisfy your sexual desire, don’t do it with another man’s wife. Make use of a prostitute instead. “ - Cato, quoted by Horace, Satires 1.2.31-35 

QUOTE: “Mistresses we keep for pleasure, concubines for our day-to-day physical well being, and wives to bear us legitimate children.”Demosthenes, Orations 59.122

QUOTE: “If anyone thinks that young men should be forbidden to have affairs even with prostitutes, he is very strict indeed.. - Cicero, pro Caelio 48

QUOTE: “To find that which is most sacred in this world, look to that which is most violently profaned.” Christopher West

                Set apart by His Spirit

Step 3: Steadfast Love (1 Thess 4:9-10, cf Phil 2:4)

                Don’t limit your love

Step 4: Socially Skilled (1 Thess 4:11-12)

                How we work

                Why we Work

Step 5: Future Focused (1 Thess 4:13-14)

                You don’t have to know the future, just who holds it! 

Sanctification in the Christian live progresses inward, outward, and upward!