Grapevine's First Baptist Church Podcast

05.19.24 | The Appeal to Love | Dr. Doug Page

May 19, 2024 Grapevine's First Baptist Church

1 John 2:15

The Love of God compels us to love each other, not the things of this World.

All-Inclusive Appeal

1 John 2:12-14

  • All Christians
  • Young Christians
  • Maturing Christians

Ephesians 6:17
Revelation 12:11

  • Veterans of the Faith

1 John 2:14

God’s Appeal: Do not Love the Things of this World
1 John 2:15

An Unhealthy Love for this World:

  • Distracts us from Glorifying God
  • Distorts our Sense of Value
  • Diminishes our Influence for the Gospel
  • Delays our Joy

The Enemy’s Appeal: To create an unhealthy love for things in this world
1 John 2:16

  • Indulge

Need Self-Control

  • Covet

Need Contentment

  • Impress

Need Humility
1 John 2:17

The Will of God compels us to love each other, not the things of this World.
1 Timothy 6:17-19